********* Welcome to Project 64! The goal of Project 64 is to preserve Commodore 64 related documents in electronic text format that might otherwise cease to exist with the rapid advancement of computer technology and declining interest in 8- bit computers on the part of the general population. Extensive efforts were made to preserve the contents of the original document. However, certain portions, such as diagrams, program listings, and indexes may have been either altered or sacrificed due to the limitations of plain vanilla text. Diagrams may have been eliminated where ASCII-art was not feasible. Program listings may be missing display codes where substitutions were not possible. Tables of contents and indexes may have been changed from page number references to section number references. Please accept our apologies for these limitations, alterations, and possible omissions. Document names are limited to the 8.3 file convention of DOS. The first characters of the file name are an abbreviation of the original document name. The version number of the etext follows next. After that a letter may appear to indicate the particular source of the document. Finally, the document is given a .TXT extension. The author(s) of the original document and members of Project 64 make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. This etext is provided "as-is". Please refer to the warantee of the original document, if any, that may included in this etext. No other warantees, express or implied, are made to you as to the etext or any medium it may be on. Neither the author(s) nor the members of Project 64 will assume liability for damages either from the direct or indirect use of this etext or from the distribution of or modification to this etext. Therefore if you read this document or use the information herein you do so at your own risk. ********* The Project 64 etext of the ~Operation Hormuz~, converted to etext by Dohi . OPHORM10.TXT, August 1998, etext #388# ********* OPERATION HORMUZ FLIGHT MANUAL THE MISSION At last... "it has happened"... as a result of a sneak attack, Aliens have taken the Straits of Hormuz and have captured the essential Military bases and naval shipping with the full intention of crippling the world's oil supplies. In the face of this Alien aggression the ability of the United States naval air force is in question. You must now take part in "Operation Hormuz" to show the strength and determination of the US carrier forces to respond to land launches rocket attacks that are now wiping out international shipping. You will be flying a McDonald Douglas VTOL ground-attack derivative of the BA Harrier used so effectively in the Falkland War. Weapon systems will include cannon, bombs, heat-seeking air-to-air and air-to-ship missiles; with flares for your own protection against enemy heat-seeking missiles. You will fly over hostile enemy shipping, heavily protected by MIG 21 fighters, before engaging the first rocket base, where the silos can only be destroyed by accurate dive-bombing. You will then rendevous with your carrier in hostile water, to re-fuel and re-arm before proceeding with the next six bases further along the gulf. In addition to your aggressive role, you must intercept all incoming anti-ship missiles aimed at your carrier. Your initial squadron will be of three planes, though one of these will be lost from your carrier each time you fail to intercept an incoming anti-ship missile. In contrast to this, extra planes will be added to your squadron depending on the accuracy and aggression of your own attacks. Your carrier will finally be sunk by any missile that hits it after all the planes on it have been lost. Attack the most lightly defended base first! - Can you destroy all seven bases without the loss of your carrier? It all depends on you! LOADING INSTRUCTIONS COMMODORE (disk) LOAD"*",8,1 COMMODORE (tape) Shift Run Stop [The rest omitted] CONTROLS At the start of the game press key K to select joystick controls or adjust the keyboard to your own preference. The standard controls are... Key Joystick Result A UP Gain height (level flight & roll up) Z DOWN Lose height (level flight & roll down) N LEFT Loop anti-clockwise (up, round & dive) M RIGHT Loop clockwise (down, round & climb) SPACE FIRE Fire weapon F Flares (protect against enemy missiles) Q Quit (or pause the game) S Status display & Map (and pause game) 1-4 Weapon systems 1 to 4 QUICK-START INSTRUCTIONS Move joystick up, then right, to take-off. Engage a weapon system (1 to 4). Practice rolling (up and down joystick/keys) and looping (left and right joystick/keys) before engaging enemy. Watch the radar display (bottom left) for enemy fighters and shipping. A bleeper and flashing light will warn against incoming missiles - press key F (drop flare) to avoid them, then counter-attack with your own. Watch out for low-flying enemy Exocets (anti-ship missiles) aimed at your carrier - you must shoot these down with your cannon or heat-seeking air-to-air missiles. Proceeding right till you find the first base. Use bombs to take-out all the silos before proceeding further right (other side of the headland) to the rendevous point with the carrier. To land on the carrier first dive at the sea, letting the plane's automatic controls level off just above the waves. As you fly over the deck you will automatically slow down, then gently press the down joystick/key control to land. Wait while the aircrews re-fuel, repair and re-arm your plane before heading off on the next leg of the operation. *** End of Transmission *** *********