********* Welcome to Project 64! The goal of Project 64 is to preserve Commodore 64 related documents in electronic text format that might otherwise cease to exist with the rapid advancement of computer technology and declining interest in 8- bit computers on the part of the general population. Extensive efforts were made to preserve the contents of the original document. However, certain portions, such as diagrams, program listings, and indexes may have been either altered or sacrificed due to the limitations of plain vanilla text. Diagrams may have been eliminated where ASCII-art was not feasible. Program listings may be missing display codes where substitutions were not possible. Tables of contents and indexes may have been changed from page number references to section number references. Please accept our apologies for these limitations, alterations, and possible omissions. Document names are limited to the 8.3 file convention of DOS. The first characters of the file name are an abbreviation of the original document name. The version number of the etext follows next. After that a letter may appear to indicate the particular source of the document. Finally, the document is given a .TXT extension. The author(s) of the original document and members of Project 64 make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. This etext is provided "as-is". Please refer to the warantee of the original document, if any, that may included in this etext. No other warantees, express or implied, are made to you as to the etext or any medium it may be on. Neither the author(s) nor the members of Project 64 will assume liability for damages either from the direct or indirect use of this etext or from the distribution of or modification to this etext. Therefore if you read this document or use the information herein you do so at your own risk. ********* The Project 64 etext of the ~Omega documentation: OSI New Personnel Guide, OSI Reference Guide~, typed by The Outlaw for the Apple ][GS R.A.B.B.S., SeaWA (206)938-1888 (12/24/96). OMEGA10.TXT, November 1997, etext #329# ********* OSI New Personnel Guide ********* DOCUMENTATION BRIEF This Orientation Guide provides an overview of security procedures and introduces the computer-aided cybertank development tools utilized by cybertank engineers. INTRODUCTION Welcome to The Organization of Strategic Intelligence (OSI), the leading developer of military and law enforcement cybernetic applications. As a qualified cybernetics engineer, you have been assigned to an elite team involved in the critical military contract, OMEGA. This project expands the boundaries of cybernetics technology and development. Your job is to create the most powerful cybernetic tank (cybertank) possible. You will have access to themost sophisticated computer-aided design tools available. You will design your cybertank's chassis, including its body class, drive system, fuel capacity, primary weapon and electornic instrumentation. Using the specially designed Cybertank Command Language, you will design your cybertank's artificial intelligence, giving it the ability to track down and destroy anenemy. You will then test your cybertank's performance on a sumulated field of combat against cybertanks designed by your peers. Your entry-level security clearance designation is STANDARD. There are ten clearance levels within the OMEGA project. Promotions to higher levels are based on the efficiency of your cybertank designs, demonstrated in successful combat simulations (at least a 70% win ratio). You can request a formal clearance evaluation at any time. Your project director will evaluate the design of your choice, and you will be promoted if the design meets with their criteria. Engineers with STANDARD Clearance are allocated a budget of 1000 credits. Each successive clearance level increases your budget by 1000 credits. Credits are used to purchase components for your cybertank's chassis. Thus, larger budgets provide access to the components you will need for more sophisticated designs. Employees attaining the highest clearance level will be allotted an unlimited budget, and only their cybertank designs will be considered for military applications. As a top priority military contract, it is crucial that ony the best designers be assigned to OMEGA. You are among the best in your field. Your involvement is expected to ensure that we meet and exceed project goals. We are proud to have you as a member of or organization. SECTION 1 - OSI SECURITY ENTRANCE PROCEDURE SECTION BRIEF This section outlines procedures necessary for admittance to The Organization of Strategic Intelligence's high security complex. 1.1 New Personnel Admittance 1.1.1 Security Entrance Console The components of OSI's Security Entrance Console is located in the recess to the right of the the complex entryway. 1.1.2 ID Disc Note: Refer to subsection 1.2 "STANDARD ADMITTANCE" if you already have an imprinted ID Disc. New personnel are required to procure a blank ID Disc (also referred to as a diskette) suitable for imprinting personal indentification data. Once imprinted your personal ID Disc is used to gain admittance to the OSI Security Complex. Your ID Disc is also used for electronic storage of all your records and files, including your current clearance level and project data. You are expected to keep your ID Disc on your person at all times. As a new employee of OSI, the ID Disc imprinting process automatically transfers special orietation information to your ID Disc. This information will be used in conjunction with this orientation guide for demonstration purposes. If you should ever need a new ID Disc, use the NEW option. Note: Throughout this Orientation Guide, any specific instructions which you should follow will be set off by a ">>>" symbol. Any instructions which are preceded by this symbol should be carried out immediately. 1.1.3 ID Disc Imprinting >>>To imprint your personal ID Disc (also called formatting), click on the control ORIENT button (refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for keyboard control of the security console). >>>If your terminal is not equipped with a High Capacity Storage Device, (also known as a hard drive), then insert your blank ID Disc into any access slot (also called a disk drive). >>>Click on the SLOT button to select the location of your Employee ID Disc. At this point the File Retrieval Panel (FRP) will appear. Please select the access slot containing the disc to be used for imprinting (refer to your OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for keyboard control of the FRP). >>>If your terminal is equipped with a High Capacity Storage Device, then your ID information can be stored on it by selecting that device. Note: The High Capacity Storage Device will not be imprinted (or formatted). The ID information will be placed into a separate folder, thus allowing multiple users to access the same High Capacity Storage Device. Also note that any uses of the term "ID Disc" in the OMEGA manuals refers to your ID FOLDER. All of your personnel files are stored in your ID folder. Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: After selecting the ORIENT button, one of the access slots will activate and attempt to read the disc it contains. The name of the disc (if it has one) will then appear on the console screen. >>>Click on the SLOT button until the access slot that contains your ID Disc is activated. When the proper access slot is activated, click on the CREATE button to continue the imprinting procedure. 1.1.4 Name and Password >>>Enter your name and desired password when prompted to do so on the console screen. Leave the password blank if you do not care to protect against unauthorized access to the data on your ID Disc. *** WARNING *** Once entered, your password is inaccessible. Without your password you will not be able to use your ID Disc to gain admittance to OSI and all data stored on your ID Disc will be Lost. >>>After your name and password are entered, follow the instructions on the console screen to begin imprinting. 1.1.5 Recording Retina Pattern After the initial imprinting stage, your retina pattern is recorded for future identity verification. Admittance to OSI requires password and retina pattern verification from your imprinted ID Disc. >>>To record your retina pattern, look into the retinal scanner and follow the instructions on the console screen. 1.1.6 Summary This completes the NEW PERSONNEL ADMITTANCE procedure. Entry to OSI will be approved pending the correct execution of this procedure. You may skip the next subsection (1.2 Standard Admittance). It deals with personnel admittance using existing ID Discs. 1.2 Standard Admittance 1.2.1 Personnel Identification Note: Refer to subsection 1.1 New Personnel Admittance if you don't have an imprinted ID Disc. Admittance to OSI requires password and retina pattern verification from your personal ID Disc. >>>To initiate the verification process, press the VERIFY button (refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for keyboard control of the security console). >>>Use the LOCATE button to select the access slot in which your ID Disc is located. If you are using a High Capacity Storage Device, then you must also select which employee is to be verified. Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: After pressing the VERIFY button, the OSI/CACD System 2 will automatically search the available access slots for the presence of an ID Disc. You will be notified if an ID Disc isn't found in any of the access slots. 1.2.2 Password Verification >>>Enter your password when prompted. Leave the password blank if you didn't enter one when your ID Disc was imprinted. Follow the instructions on the console screen to perform verification. 1.2.3 Retina Pattern Verification Once your password has been verified, you will be prompted for retina pattern verification. >>>Look into the retinal scanner and follow the instructions on the console screen to initiate verification. 1.2.4 Summary This completes the Standard Admittance procedure. Entry to OSI will be approved pending the correct execution of this procedure and the verification of your password with that imprinted on your personal ID Disc. SECTION 2 - OSI/CACD SYSTEM 2 ENVIRONMENT Section Brief This section describes the modules comprising the OSI/CACD System 2 environment and provides a hands-on demonstration of the systems. Please consult the Engineer's Handbook for a more detailed description of these modules. 2.1 General Description 2.1.1 System Modules The OSI/CACD System 2 represents the latest in Computer Aided Cybertank Design. This system consists of the External Control Module, the Chassis Design Module, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Module, the Cybertank Test Module, the Simulation Design Module and the Data Duplication Module. 2.1.2 System Demonstration The demonstration in this orientation guide uses a predesigned cybertank to illustrate the development of the cybertank's chassis, the artificial intelligence associated with it, and the actual combat simulation where you will witness the cybertank's performance. 2.2 Human Interface 2.2.1 Interface Devices The OSI/CACD System 2 incorporates the latest in human interface technology. The system is designed for optimum efficiency when using a mouse or joystick. The system also supports a keyboard interface. 2.2.2 Keyboard Interface The OSI/CACD interface allows complete control using a keyboard. Refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for the keyboard commands that pertain to your terminal type. 2.2.3 The Pointer The pointer is a hand-shaped object moved about the screen with a mouse or joystick. It is used to select the specific items. Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: The pointer is a triangular shaped object. 2.2.4 Clicking Selections are often made by moving the pointer to the desired object or option and pressing and releasing the mouse or joystick button. This is reffered to as clicking. 2.2.5 Dragging Dragging is used to select objects or text. Place the pointer in a position marking the start or end point of the selection. Press and hold the button, and drag the pointer until you have highlighted the desired selections. Release the button. 2.2.6 Pull-Down Menus At the top of the screen is the menu bar. A menu is pulled down by placing the pointer over the menu title and depressing the button. This reveals a list of menu items. Menu items are selected by dragging the pointer down the list (the button must be held down). As the pointer passes over each menu item, the item is highlighted. When the desired item is highlighted, it is selected by releasing the button. 2.2.7 Dimmed Items Occasionally, some menu items appear less distinct then others. Less distinct items are referred to as dimmed and cannot be selected. 2.2.8 Summary The OSI/CACD interface is designed for ease of use. The interface is extremely intuitive and requires minimal training time. If you think something can be clicked on or pulled down, try it. You will often find that it can be. 2.3 The Demonstration 2.3.1 External Control Module The External Control Module (ECM) should be displayed on your terminal. The ECM serves two purposes: 1) it is your link to all other OSI/CACD modules, and 2) it is your source for all OSI company announcements and world news broadcasts. 2.3.2 Email Important company announcements and world wide news broadcasts are distributed via electronic mail (Email). The various news wires connected to the OSI/CACD System 2 network are: (ANA) American News Agency (MER) Middle East Report (EPI) Eurasian Press International (LJS) London Journalistic Society (NAPS) North American Press Service (SDE) Soviet Data Exchange (GJN) Global Journalism Network It is mandatory that all OSI personnel monitor their email messages. 2.3.3 Design Control Module In this demonstration, we will bypass the creation of a cybertank and use the predesigned cybertank design, VIPER; however, we will step through all of the modules used in designing cybertanks. >>>Select DESIGN CYBERTANK from the DESIGN menu to link to the Design Control Module (DCM). From the DCM, you can create new cybertank designs, load existing cybertank designs, delete cybertank designs from your ID Disc, or create/edit AI Capsules. 2.3.4 Load Viper Chassis design is the first step in the development of a cybertank. In this demonstration we will use the previously created cybertank design, VIPER. Special Note: Most terminals at OSI are equipped with multiple access slots or High Capacity Storage Devices (HCSD). Special instructions will appear on your screen if your terminal is equipped with only one access slot. >>>To load VIPER, select LOAD from the CYBERTANK menu. When the FILE RETRIEVAL PANEL (FRP) appears, the SELECTION BAR will be on VIPER. Click the OPEN button to load VIPER from your ID Disc (for keyboard control of the FRP, refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card). Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: The FRP will have a LOAD button instead of an OPEN button. The LOAD button is functionally identical to the OPEN button used on other terminals. The FRP will also have a SLOT button instead of a DRIVE button. The SLOT button is functionally identical to the DRIVE button used on other terminals. 2.3.5 Artificial Intelligence Module When you load an existing cybertank design from your ID Disc, you are automatically linked to the AI Module. This module is used to create your cybertank's brain, where you impart the analytical logic required to terminate the enemy. Language designers at OSI have developed a special Cybertank Command Language (CCL) to facilitate the creation of AI. >>>Displayed in the EDIT window are the opening lines of VIPER's artificial intelligence. Click on the Scroll-Bar at the right of the EDIT window to scroll through VIPER's AI. Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: >>>Instead of the Scroll-Bar, the SCROLL ARROWS at the right of the EDIT window are used. As you can see from scanning VIPER's AI, CCL comprehension is maximized by modeling it after the English language. The AI Module contains a full-featured text editor. Commands can be entered directly from the keyboard or with the CCL Construction Panel (CP). The CP is used to automatically and quickly construct a command line by clicking on the command buttons. Once entered, text can be edited using the cut, copy, paste, insert, or delete options. AI design can be facillitated using predesigned AI Library Capsules. Library Capsules are self-contained segments of artificial intelligence that perform isolated functions. OSI provides a number of Library Capsules that greatly simplify the task of designing your cybertank's AI. For example, instead of designing the AI that instructs your cybertank to move around an indestructible building, you can simply use a movement Library Capsule that instructs a cybertank to avoid obstacles. Experiment with modifying or entering text with the CP and/or keyboard, but be careful not to save the changes to VIPER back to your ID Disc. 2.3.6 Chassis Design Module When creating a new cybertank, the DCM automatically links to the Chassis Design Module (CDM). In this demonstration, the cybertank design, VIPER, was loaded and the DCM automatically linked to the AI Module. The AI Module can link to the CDM in order to view or modify a cybertank's chassis. >>>Select CHASSIS from the CYBERTANK menu to link to the Chassis Design Module. A cybertank's chassis consists of its tank class, fuel cells, drive system, weapon type, scanner, and assorted special items. The quality and quantity of components that can be added to your cybertank's chassis are dependent upon your budget. Engineers with STANDARD Clearance have a budget of 1000 credits. Your current budget is deplayed in the CREDITS Desplay Area. VIPER's general specifications are displayed in the Main Display Area. To modify a cybertank's chassis, click the desired Component button on the right side of the screen. A list of options for that component will then be displayed. >>>Click the Weapon Type button. A complete list of available cybertank weapons, and the cost of each, is displayed. The currently selected weapon is designated by a highlighted circle. Items which are too expensive to select will be dimmed and unselectable. Clicking on the "None" selection deselects the currently selected weapon and its cost is returned to your budget. Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: A diamond appears next to the currently selected weapon. Selecting a weapon automatically subtracts that weapon's cost from your budget. Clicking on a selectd weapon "deselects" it and its cost is returned to your budget. Also note that items which are too expensive are NOT dimmed. Feel free to experiment with modifying VIPER's components, but be careful not to save the changes back to your ID Disc. 2.3.7 Cybertank Authorization A cybertank design must be authorized before it can be approved for combat simulations. For expedient authorization, your project directors designed the Cybertank Authorization Module (CAM). Cybertanks must have all the fundamental chassis components and be free of illegal command structure in their AI to receive authorization. Without proper authorization, cybertanks are denied access to the Combat Simulation Module. You will be informed of any cybertank design flaws during the authorization procedure. >>>Authorization can be performed from either the CDM or the AI Module. Before authorizing VIPER, reload it in override any changes you may have made to it (for loading instructions, refer to Section 2.3.4 Load Viper). If the OSE/CACD System 2 asks if you want to save the changes to VIPER, select NO. Once VIPER is reloaded, select AUTHORIZE from the CYBERTANK menu. The CAM will be displayed on your terminal. After a brief pause, VIPER will be approved. After authorization is complete, a cybertank design can be further edited by clicking the DESIGN button at the bottom of the screen; otherwise, you can link directly back to the External Control Module by clicking the ECM button. >>>Click the ECM button. 2.3.8 Combat Simulation Module The efficiency of your cybertank design becomes apparent in the Combat Simulation Module (CSM). Melee (free-for-alls) or Team combats can be simulated. Team simulations offer alternate objectives: 1) Absolute Termination - destroy all cybertanks on the opposing team, or 2) Headquarters Termination - destroy the opposing team's headquarters. >>>A predesigned combat simulation has been provided for your orientation. Select START A SIMULATION from the SIMULATE menu. When the FRP appears, the SELECTION BAR will be on the ORIENTAT simulation. Click the OPEN button to load ORIENTAT from your ID Disc (refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for keyboard control of the FRP). Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: >>>A predesigned combat simulation has been provided for your orientation. Select START A SIMULATION from the SIMULATE menu. When the FRP appears, the SELECTION BAR will be on the orientation simulation. Click the LOAD button to load ORIENTATION from your ID Disc (for keyboard control of the FRP, refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card). Combat begins automatically once the preselected battlefield and cybertanks are loaded from your ID Disc. This simulation is a melee combat between VIPER and three clones of itself. The battlefield is called SMALL. >>>Press the PAUSE key to suspend the simulation (refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for the appropriate key for your terminal type). While the simulation is suspended, faniliarize yourself with the Instrument Panel displayed on the right side of your terminal. The instrument panel displays your cybertank's fuel level, current damage, status of special components, scanned cybertanks, and simulation results. The Battlefield Display Area on the left side of your terminal presents an overhead view of a portion of the battlefield. The selection cybertank is centered in the combat viewport with its name displayed below. Other cybertanks can be selected witth the simulation either active or suspended. Destroyed cybertanks appear as craters or piles of junk when selected. >>>Press the Cybertank Selection Keys on your terminal to select another cybertank for viewing (refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for the appropriate keys for your terminal type). >>>Press the PAUSE key again to continue the simulation (refer to the OSI/CACD System 2 Reference Card for the appropriate key for your terminal type). >>>It is often necessary to see the entire battlefield at once. In order to do so, select SATELLITE VIEW from the SIMULATION menu. A simulated transmission from the orbiting OSICOM I satellite is displayed in the combat window. Active cybertanks are indicated by the flashing blips. Clicking the mouse button will return you to the normal combat view. This simulation can be viewed in full speed from the satellite view (ie, the simulation does not have to be paused to view the satellite transmission). Note: For users of Commodore 64 and Apple //+, c, e terminals only: The currently selected cybertank is surrounded by a solid box which outlines the area of the battlefield last shown in the Battlefield Display Area. The simulation cannot be viewed in full speed from the satellite view. When the OSICOM I satellite is activated, all cybertanks will pause in their current positions and remain paused until the normal viewing mode is reactivated. You must press a key in order to return to normal combat view. Relax and observe the combat. Simulation times vary depending upon random positions of the cybertanks. This demonstration simulation should tank from 30 to 60 seconds. You are notified when the simulation ends and the results are automatically recorded on your ID Disc. If you wish to observe another combat, select RESTART from the SIMULATION menu. >>>When the simulation is completed and you are finished viewing the CSM, return to the ECM by selecting EXIT SIMULATION from the SIMULATION menu. 2.4 Orientation Summary 2.4.1 Conclusion This concludes your introduction to the OSI/CACD System 2 environment. You should now be familiar with the External Control Module, the Design Control Module, the Chassis Module,the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Module, and the Combat Simulation Module. For complete information concerning the OSI/CACD System 2 environment, refer to the Cybertank Engineer's Handbook. The handbook is divided into six sections. The 1st section is a Training Guide that covers the complete design of a cybertank. Experienced engineers may wish to skip the Training Guide and proceed directly to the reference sections. The 2nd and 3rd sections presented detailed descriptions of the modules comprising the OSI/CACD System 2 environment and the complete structure of the Cybertank Command Language. Section 4 explains and details how to use predefined AI Library Capsules, which greatly simplify the creation of a cybertank's AI. Section 5 explores all of the possible combat variations & discusses such features as the communications link and manually controlled cybertanks. Section 6 is a trouble shooting guide. Once again, we stress that OMEGA is a top priority military contract that pushes the limits of cybernetics technology. Please do not hesitate to express any questions or comments to your project directors. We are confident of your ability to contribute to this project and lood forward to your long and productive career with the OSI. ********* OSI Reference Guide ********* File One of One OSI TERMINAL STARTUP PROCEDURE Place the OSI/CACD SYSTEM DISC, label side up, into the primary access slot (disk drive) and turn on the power to the terminal. This will initiate connection to the OSI/CACD System 2. Press any key to exit the title sequence. At this time, you are ready to enter the OSI corporate offices. Section 1 - OSI/CACD SYSTEM 2 ENVIRONMENT 1.1 Interface Devices The OSI/CACD System 2 incorporates the latest in human interface technology. The system is designed for optimum efficiency when using a mouse or joystick. Most terminals at OSI are equipped with those devices, but the system also supports a keyboard interface. 1.2 The Pointer The pointer is a black, triangular-shaped object that is moved about the screen with a mouse or joystick. It is used to point at items you wish to select. 1.3 Clicking Selections are often made by moving the pointer to the desired object or option, then pressing and releasing the button. This is referred to as clicking. 1.4 Dragging Another method of designating choices is by dragging. To drag, place the pointer over the desired object then press and hold the button while moving the pointer to another location. Releasing the button completes the drag. 1.5 Pull-down Menus Along the top of the screen is the menu bar. To pull down a menu, place the pointer over the menu title and press and hold the button. This reveals a list of menu items. To select an option, drag the pointer down the list. As the pointer passes over each menu item, it is highlighted. When the desired item is highlighted, release the button to select it. If you are using the keyboard, press the ESC key to activate the menu bar. The left and right arrows select the previous and next menu item respectively. (If your keyboard is not equipped with up and down arrows, please use the Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Z keys). Press the RETURN key to select the highlighted menu item. Dimmed items are not selectable. Press the ESC key to deactivate the menu bar and abort any selection. 1.6 Dimmed Items Occasionally, some menu items will appear less distinct than others. These less distinct items are referred to as dimmed. Dimmed items cannot be selected. 1.7 Special Control Keys To perform various actions, you will often be told to use a special key. For your particular terminal type, the keys are as follows: Cursor-Left - Left Arrow Cursor-Right - Right Arrow Cursor-Up - Up Arrow or Ctrl-A Cursor-Down - Down Arrow or Ctrl-Z Mark - Ctrl-s Return - Return Tab - Tab Delete - Delete Section 2 - OSI SECURITY ENTRANCE PROCEDURE Section Brief The Security Console is only accessible via the keyboard interface. Mouse and joystick devices have been disabled only during entrance procedures. Once inside the complex, the OSI/CACD System 2 activates the mouse and joystick devices (if connected). 2.1 Console Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the next button on console Return - Selects the highlighted button on console 2.2 Name and Password Left Arrow - Delete character left of cursor DEL, Ctrl-D - Delete character left of cursor Right Arrow - Toggles between name and password Return - Toggles between name and password TAB, Ctrl-I - Toggles between name and password ESC - Begins ID Disc Imprinting Process Section 3 - SYSTEM OPERATIONS 3.1 FRP: File Retrieval Panel (Loading Files) 3.1.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the next button on console RETURN - Selects the highlighted button on console 3.1.2 File Selection Keys Up Arrow - Highlights the previous file Ctrl-A - Highlights the previous file Down Arrow - Highlights the next file Ctrl-Z - Highlights the next file 3.1.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons to select. Up and down arrow buttons have been provided for file selections. Clicking (and/or dragging) on a file name(s) highlights the file. 3.2 FSP: File Storage Panel (Saving Files) 3.2.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the next button on console RETURN - Selects the highlighted button on console 3.2.2 File Viewing Keys Up Arrow - Scrolls file names up Ctrl-A - Scrolls file names up Down Arrow - Scrolls file names down Ctrl-Z - Scrolls file names down 3.2.3 Entering File Name DELETE - Delete character left of cursor Ctrl-D - Delete character left of cursor 3.2.4 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons to select. Up and down arrow buttons are provided to view existing files. 3.3 FTP: File Termination Panel (Deleting Files) 3.3.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the next button on console RETURN - Selects the highlighted button on console 3.3.2 File Selection Keys Up Arrow - Highlights the previous file Ctrl-A - Highlights the previous file Down Arrow - Highlights the next file Ctrl-Z - Highlights the next file 3.3.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons to select. Up and down arrow buttons are provided for file sections. Clicking (and/or dragging) on a file name(s) highlights the file. 3.4 Printer Setup Panel 3.4.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the next button on console RETURN - Selects the highlighted button on console 3.4.2 Slot Number Selection Keys Up Arrow - Selects the previous slot number Ctrl-A - Selects the previous slot number Down Arrow - Selects the next slot number Ctrl-Z - Selects the next slot number 3.4.3 Entering Printer Setup String DELETE - Delete character left of cursor Ctrl-D - Delete character left of cursor 3.4.4 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons and slot numbers for selection. Section 4 - DESIGN CONTROL MODULE (DCM) 4.1 Chassis Design Module (CDM) 4.1.1 Category Selection Keys Left Arrow - Selects the previous category Right Arrow - Selects the next category 4.1.2 Component Selection Keys Up Arrow - Highlights the previous component Ctrl-A - Highlights the previous component Down Arrow - Highlights the following component Ctrl-Z - Highlights the following component RETURN - Select/Deselect the highlighted component 4.1.3 Mouse/Joystick Clicking on a category button selects that category. Clicking on individual components selects/deselects the component. 4.2 The AI Module 4.2.1 Insertion Cursor Control Keys Left Arrow - Moves insertion cursor left one character Right Arrow - Moves insertion cursor right one character Up Arrow - Moves insertion cursor up one line Ctrl-A - Moves insertion cursor up one line Down Arrow - Moves insertion cursor down one line Ctrl-Z - Moves insertion cursor down one line Ctrl-Y - Moves insertion cursor up one page Ctrl-N - Moves insertion cursor down one page Ctrl-T - Moves insertion cursor to top of text Ctrl-B - Moves insertion cursor to bottom of text 4.2.2 Text Selection Keys Ctrl-S - Toggles selection mode on/off When selection mode is activated, the insertion pointer control keys select and deselect text. When selection mode is deactivated, all selected text is deselected. 4.2.3 Text Editing Keys DELETE - Deletes either current text selection or one character left of insertion point Ctrl-D - Deletes either current text selection or one character right of insertion pointer Ctrl-X - Deletes (cuts) current text selection and places the selection into temporary storage Ctrl-C - Copies current text selection into temporary storage without removing it from current text Ctrl-V - Inserts (pastes) text currently in temporary storage (if any) at the insertion pointer. 4.2.4 CCL Construction Panel Keys When using the keyboard in the AI Module, the Construction Panel (CP) is normally non-functional. Using the Ctrl-G key toggles between the Editor and the CP. Ctrl-G - Connect key toggle between the AI Editor and the CP Ctrl-B - Backup to previous plaque selections Left Arrow - Highlight the plaque left of current selection Right Arrow - Highlight the plaque right of the current selection Up Arrow - Highlight the plaque above the current selection Ctrl-A - Highlight the plaque above the current selection Down Arrow - Highlight the plaque below the current selection Ctrl-Z - Highlight the plaque below the current selection RETURN - Selects the currently highlighted plaque When entering labels or variables in the construction panel, the left arrow deletes the character to the left of the insertion cursor. 4.2.5 Mouse/Joystick Clicking anywhere inside the Edit Window moves the insertion cursor to that location. Use the scroll arrows to scroll text in the appropriate direction. Drag the mouse or joystick anywhere inside the Edit Window to select text. When using the mouse or joystick, the Construction Panel (CP) is attached to the AI Editor and both can be used simultaneously. Clicking on the plaques in the CP selects that plaque. Clicking anywhere on the CP (not on a plaque) backs up to the previous plaque selections. 4.3 Cybertank Authorization Module (CAM) 4.3.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the next button on console RETURN - Selects the highlighted button on console 4.3.2 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons to select. SECTION 5 - SIMULATION DESIGN MODULE (SDM) 5.1 Select Cybertanks 5.1.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button Right Arrow - Highlights the next button RETURN - Selects the currently highlighted item 5.1.2 File Selection Keys Up Arrow - Highlights the previous file name Ctrl-A - Highlights the previous file name Down Arrow - Highlights the next file name Ctrl-Z - Highlights the next file name 5.1.3 Other Tank View Keys SPACE BAR - Toggles between file selection scroll and other tanks scroll The Space Bar toggles between the file selection view area and the other tanks view area. Whichever area is selected, the up and down arrows only scroll the names from the selected area. Note that the highlight bar will only move to the other tanks view area if there are more than five tanks selected. 5.1.4 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons to select. Click (and/or drag) a file name(s) to highlight the file to be selected. The up and down arrow buttons are used to scroll through the file names. These arrows are multi-purpose. They also scroll the "Other Cybertanks" view area. 5.2 Select Teams 5.2.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button Right Arrow - Highlights the following button RETURN - Selects the currently highlighted button 5.2.2 Available Cybertank Selection Keys Up Arrow - Highlights the previous file name Ctrl-A - Highlights the previous file name Down Arrow - Highlights the following file name Ctrl-Z - Highlights the following file name 5.2.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons to select. Click (and/or drag) a cybertank name(s) to highlight the cybertank to be selected. The up and down arrow buttons are used to scroll through the cybertank names. 5.3 Position Headquarters 5.3.1 Team Selection Keys The following keys switch to the next team. Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Ctrl-A, Down Arrow, Ctrl-Z 5.3.2 Headquarters Movement Keys The eight keys surrounding the "S" key are used to move the headquarters as shown below: Q W E \ | / A--+--D / | \ Z X C 5.3.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the team name to select its headquarters for movement. Click on the arrow buttons to move the currently selected team's headquarters in the direction indicated. SECTION 6 - COMBAT SIMULATION MODULE (CSM) 6.1 General Descriptions 6.1.1 Simulation Action Keys Left Arrow - Cybertank Selection key used to switch center cybertank to previous cybertank Right Arrow - Cybertank Selection key used to switch center cybertank to next cybertank 1-9 - Switches center cybertank to corresponding cybertank number 0 - Switches center cybertank to cybertank number 10 Shift 1-5 - Switches center cybertank to cybertank numbers 11-15 respectively RETURN - PAUSE key used to toggle pause mode on/off 6.1.2 Instrument Panel Fuel remaining is indicated by the color orange in the Fuel Gauge. Damage in the Damage Gauges section are indicated by the color orange. The Cybertank Direction Indicator (CDI) use the colors blue and orange. Orange indicates the direction the center cybertank is currently facing, whereas blue indicates the cybertank's scanner direction. White indicates that both the cybertank and scanner are facing the same direction. The Cybertank Vision Indicator (CVI) uses the colors blue, orange, and white. Blue indicates thje center cybertank. The orange box indicates the weapon range of the cybertank. White blips indicate where the last scanned object is in relation to the cybertank. 6.2 Set Number of Battles 6.2.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button on console Right Arrow - Highlights the following button on console RETURN - Selects the highlighted button on console 6.2.2 Number of Battles Selection Keys Up Arrow - Selects the previous battle count Ctrl-A - Selects the previous battle count Down Arrow - Selects the following battle count Ctrl-Z - Selects the following battle count 6.2.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons and number plaques to select the number of battles. 6.3 Position Cybertanks 6.3.1 Cybertank Selection Keys Up Arrow - Selects the previous cybertank Ctrl-A - Selects the previous cybertank Down Arrow - Selects the next cybertank Ctrl-Z - Selects the next cybertank 6.3.2 Cybertank Movement/Selection Keys S - Toggles between selecting the cybertank's location and the direction it is to face. The eight keys surrounding the "S" key are used to move the cybertank as shown below: Q W E \ | / A--+--D / | \ Z X C 6.3.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the arrow buttons to move the currently selected cybertank in the direction indicated by the arrow. Click on the dot button to toggle between location and direction selection. If you are selectin a cybertank's direction, the arrrow buttons face the cybertank in the direction indicated by the arrow. SECTION 7 - COMBAT TESTING MODULE (CTM) 7.1 General Descriptions 7.1.1 Simulation Action Keys Left Arrow - Cybertank selection key used to switch center cybertank to previous cybertank Right Arrow - Cybertank selection key used to switch center cybertank to the next cybertank 1-9 - Switches center cybertank to corresponding cybertank number 0 - Switches center cybertank to cybertank number 10 Shift 1-5 - Switches center cybertank to cybertank numbers 11-15 respectively RETURN - Pause key used to toggle pause mode on/off SPACE BAR - Step key used to single step through the AI commands 7.2 Edit Mode 7.2.1 Page Select Keys < - View Previous status page > - View following status page Note: AI TRACE mode must be off to view the status pages. 7.2.2 Edit Register Select Keys Ctrl-C - Toggles edit mode on/off. Pause mode must be on in order to toggle the edit mode on, and the keys are only active when edit mode is on. Left Arrow - Select the previous field to be edited Up Arrow - Select the previous field to be edited Ctrl-A - Select the previous field to be edited Right Arrow - Select the following field to be edited Down Arrow - Select the following field to be edited Ctrl-Z - Select the following field to be edited DELETE - Delete the last digit/character in field Ctrl-D - Delete the last digit/character in field RETURN - Accept change in field and toggle edit off 7.2.3 Mouse/Joystick The editor only works when the pause mode is on. Click on any field (which can be edited) to select that field and turn the editoron. Clicking anywhere outside the status page turns the editor off. SECTION 8 - BATTLEFIELD DESIGNMODULE (BDM) 8.1 Tile Mode 8.1.1 Terrain Movement Keys Left Arrow - Scrolls terrain left Right Arrow - Scrolls terrain right Up Arrow - Scrolls terrain up Ctrl-A - Scrolls terrain up Down Arrow - Scrolls terrain down Ctrl-Z - Scrolls terrain down 8.1.2 The Selection Keys I - Select the tile above the current selection J - Select the previous tile K - Select the following tile M - Select the tile below the current selection 8.1.3 Plop Mode SPACE BAR - Plops the currently selected tile at the currently selected terrain location 8.1.4 Mouse/Joystick Click on the arrow buttons surrounding the Battlefield Display Area to scroll the battlefield in the direction indicated by the arrow. Click on the arrow buttons above the tile display area to scroll the tiles up and down. Click on the tile for selection. Click inthe battlefield display area to plop the currently selected tile at the pointer. Dragging the pointer plops tiles as the pointer is moved. 8.2 Block Mode 8.2.1 Terrain Movement Keys Left Arrow - Scrolls terrain left Right Arrow - Scrolls terrain right Up Arrow - Scrolls terrain up Ctrl-A - Scrolls terrain up Down Arrow - Scrolls terrain down Ctrl-Z - Scrolls terrain down 8.2.2 Block Selection Keys I - Select the precious block M - Select the following block 8.2.3 Copy Mode SPACE BAR - Chooses the currenly selected tile at the currently selected terrain location for copying RETURN - Place the current copy selection into the selected block area 8.2.4 Plop Mode SPACE BAR - Plop the current block onto the battlefield 8.2.5 Mouse/Joystick Click on the arrow buttons surrounding the Battlefield Display Area to scroll the battlefield in the direction indicated by the arrow. Click on the arrow buttons above the block display area to scroll the blocks up and down. Click on tiles in the battlefield to plop the current block or select tiles to be copied (whichever is selected). SECTION 9 - DATA DUPLICATION MODULE (DDM) 9.1 General Description 9.1.1 Button Selection Keys Left Arrow - Highlights the previous button Right Arrow - Highlights the next button RETURN - Selects the highlighted button 9.1.2 File Selection Keys Up Arrow - Highlights the previous file Ctrl-A - Highlights the previous file Down Arrow - Highlights the next file Ctrl-Z - Highlights the next file 9.1.3 Mouse/Joystick Click on the buttons and file names to select. Click on the category plaques to change categories. SECTION 10 - FILENAME RULES 10.1 General Descriptions All files used with OMEGA must follow certain naming conventions to remain functional with the OSI/CACD System 2 operation environment. In examples below, the symbol "" represents the name tped in by the user when saving a file throught the File Storage Panel (FSP). All prefixes are attached to "" by the OSI/CACD System 2 for ease of recognition. When transferring files between employees, use these naming conventions: S. - Cybertank designs O. - Authorized cybertanks B. - Simulation designs M. - Battlefield designs C. - Block configurations from Battlefield Design Module G. - Saved simulations in progress E. - Saved evaluations in progress P. - Capsules Note: Some Apple terminal programs save downloaded files as "TXT" files. "TXT" files are unusable by OMEGA. To remedy this problem, follow the instructions below: 1. Boot the OMEGA SAMPLE disk. This will run a program which will convert the "TXT" file to a file usable by OMEGA. 2. When prompted, enter the filename of the file you want to convert. 3. After you enter the name, the program will search the current access slot for that file. If the program is not able to find the file to convert, you will be notified and given a chance to insert the correct disk. 4. Press , by itself, at the filename prompt to exit. *********