"The Muncher" Computer Game from Gremlin Ltd Original Instructions ===================== The Mucher is a game of destruction and devastation. The Player controls a large and angry pre-historic monster who is out to destroy Japan. Why should a normally peace-loving creature wish to inflict such havoc? Well, it seems that some Japanese explorers have unearthed and stolen some eggs and have brought them back to Japan. For centuries they, like everyone else, have thought your species to be long extinct - they are WRONG! As the game begins you arrive at the coast of Japan in search of the lost eggs which have been scattered around the cities of this island country. Naturally, the armed forces are out in force and your must battle your way through the cities and army bases carrying out your plan of "Urban re-development". In the course of your Journey, you will come across your lost eggs. Once they have found, you should search for a nuclear waste dump. Not only are these nuclear waste sites very tasty and invigorating but they are also very good sites for hatching monster eggs. Using these sites you are able to create more monsters to carry on should you fail. As Japan is such a small place, and with all this monster activity in the surrounding sea, it is not surprising that you will occasionally encounter other monsters during your exploits. Like your monster, they tend to have a rather intense need to express their deeper emotions by means of violence and destruction! If you must defeat all three enemy monsters. Finally, you (or one of your descendants) will reach the harbour and will sail off into the sunset (well, almost) and, like the endless cycles of life, it will all begin anew. Joystick Controls ================= Whilst on the ground: WITHOUT FIRE JUMP JUMP UP JUMP LEFT __ __ RIGHT /\ /|\ /\ \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / MOVE LEFT <----------|----------> MOVE RIGHT | | | | \|/ DUCK WITH FIRE BITE FLYING OBJECTS /|\ | | | | LASH TAIL <----------|-----------> ROAR/BREATHE | | | | \|/ GRAB & EAT Whilst climbing a building: WITHOUT FIRE CLIMB PUNCH UP UP __ /|\ /\ | / | / | / LET | / PUNCH GO <----------|-----------> FORWARD |\ | \ | \ | \ \|/ _\/ CLIMB PUNCH DOWN DOWN WITH FIRE BITE FLYING OBJECTS /|\ | | | PUNCH | ROAR/ BACK <----------|-----------> BREATHE | FIRE | | | \|/ KICK BUILDING To start climbing a building, jump and press FIRE while in the air. Providing you are near the edge of a building, the monster will grab onto it and start to climb. To jump off the top of a building (or fall PAST a ledge) keep the DOWN key pressed while you fall. Controls ======== In addition to joysticks, the following keys may be used: Q - Up, Z - Down, I - Lift, P - Right, SPACE BAR - Fire. On the title/menu screen: F1 - Select Stage F3 - One/Two Players F5 - One/Two Joysticks F7 - Start Game (FIRE also starts) During play: F1 - Abort Game RUN/STOP Pause Game (FIRE restarts) Hints and Tips ============== 1) When the monster dies, it will always be brought back to the last-egg-hatched location. It is important, therefore, for the player to pick up eggs, and "plant" them in strategic nuclear waste locations for hatching (on the cassette version, if your last egg was on the previous stage, you will start at the beginning of the current stage). 2) Pick up an egg as you would to eat something (DOWN and FIRE). An unhatched egg is shown in red in the status area. 3) To hatch an egg crouch (joystick DOWN) near a nuclear waste location. A hatched egg is shown in green in the status area. You can hatch more than one egg in any nuclear waste. The colours of the nuclear waste site will change when an egg is planted there. 4) You may eat nuclear wastes which are not associated with an egg to increase your stamina. 5) When an enemy monster appears, scrolling will stop until you defeat the enemy, or die in the attempt. 6) To gain the protection of a paratrooper, stand still under him as he parachutes down. This will stop anyone else from flying at you. He will stay on your shoulders until you make an aggressive move, or until he loses interest. 7) The player can shoot a limited number of fireballs depending on how much petrol he has. Additional fireballs can be gained by eating petrol trucks (five fireballs per truck). Petrol trucks can be identified by the star drawn on their sides. Eating a water truck, however, will deprive you of your fireballs. Water trucks are blue in colour. Loading Instructions ==================== CBM 64/128 Cassette: Insert cassette into cassette unit. Press SHIFT and RUN/STOP simultaneously. Press PLAY on the cassette unit. The program will load and run automatically. Disk: Insert disk into drive. Type LOAD"*",8,1 and press RETURN. The programm will load and run automatically.