Paratroopers Copyright/Publisher: Rabbit Software LTD, Release Year: 1983, Categorie: Uncategorized, Number Of Players: 1 STORY Theyīre not dropping into your bunker for a cup of tea. Their mission is to wipe you out, and only a handful of them need to land before they bring in a tank to finish you off. Your only hope is to blast the Paratroopers and their helicopters out of the sky before they are able to attack your command post. Victory is elusive. The price of defeat is oblivion. PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS It gets awfully lonely sitting on your own in a bunker, with only a cold greasy ack ack gun to converse with whilst waiting for the enemy to drop in. But be warned, this ainīt no social visit. Your task is to prevent the invading forces from landing. You must shoot the helicopters and paratroopers as they descend. But be careful, donīt get trigger happy, that ammunition is scarce and you lose points every time you fire. So donīt end up with a negative score. Beware the bomber planes, their missiles are deadly accurate. You lose the game if your bunker is hit by descending paratroopers or missiles also if you allow five paratroopers to land and man the tank which will drive out and blow you into oblivion. CONTROLS Joystick Plug joystick into port one. Left and right to control bunker, fire button to fire. Keyboard [<] = Left [>] = Right [Q] = Fire