********* Welcome to Project 64! The goal of Project 64 is to preserve Commodore 64 related documents in electronic text format that might otherwise cease to exist with the rapid advancement of computer technology and declining interest in 8- bit computers on the part of the general population. If you would like to help by converting C64 related hardcopy documents to electronic texts please contact the manager of Project 64, Cris Berneburg, at 74171.2136@compuserve.com. Extensive efforts were made to preserve the contents of the original document. However, certain portions, such as diagrams, program listings, and indexes may have been either altered or sacrificed due to the limitations of plain vanilla text. Diagrams may have been eliminated where ASCII-art was not feasible. Program listings may be missing display codes where substitutions were not possible. Tables of contents and indexes may have been changed from page number references to section number references. Please accept our apologies for these limitations, alterations, and possible omissions. Document names are limited to the 8.3 file convention of DOS. The first characters of the file name are an abbreviation of the original document name. The version number of the etext follows next. After that a letter may appear to indicate the particular source of the document. Finally, the document is given a .TXT extension. The author(s) of the original document and members of Project 64 make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. This etext is provided "as-is". Please refer to the warantee of the original document, if any, that may included in this etext. No other warantees, express or implied, are made to you as to the etext or any medium it may be on. Neither the author(s) nor the members of Project 64 will assume liability for damages either from the direct or indirect use of this etext or from the distribution of or modification to this etext. ********* The Project 64 etext of the Neuromancer Verification Codes. Converted to etext by Ultra Magnus, supplied by Damian John Gick . NEUCOD10.TXT, July 1996, etext #51. ********* Neuromancer Verification Codes Compiled By Ultra Magnus Whenever you use the PAX system, it will ask you for a verification. This is accomplished in the game by using a code-wheel. For those of you who don't have a code wheel, I have provided the following list of codes. To use this list: scan the list for the first two access codes, then find the third access code. Type in the number after the third code. Enjoy the game!! For example: If it asks you for Cyberspace, Cyberjack, and AI...you look for and find: Cyberspace/Cyberjack. Then look in the same section and find: AI ... 23671. Type in 23671. ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Cyberjack Gemeinschaft/Ratz Crazy Edo/Holographix Microsofts/Larry Moe Cheap Hotel/PAX Julius Deane/Skill Chips Donut World/Shin's Pawn Lawbot/Gentleman Loser database/Maas Biolabs Shiva/Justice Booth Freeside/Cyberdeck softwarez/Comlink Matrix/Icebreaker Matt Shaw/ROM Construct Night City News/Cowboy Chatsubo/Emperor Norton And the third one is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 44321 Chiba City 4300 Asano Computing 060734 Hitachi-Biotech 714 Cryptology 073 Space Colony 040327 Holy Joystick 700 Bank Of Berne 7107 Spacedock 073611 Ono-Sendai 614 Marcus Garvey 21400 Bank Of Zurich 0170 Compu-judge 673 flatline 054127 AI 23671 Fuji Electric 0703 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Ratz Gemeinschaft/Holographix Crazy Edo/Larry Moe Microsofts/PAX Cheap Hotel/Skill Chips Julius Deane/Shin's Pawn Donut World/Gentleman Loser Lawbot/Maas Biolabs database/Justice Booth Shiva/Cyberdeck Freeside/Comlink softwarez/Icebreaker Matrix/ROM Construct Matt Shaw/Cowboy Night City News/Emperor Norton Chatsubo/Cyberjack And the third one is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 71312 Chiba City 1337 Asano Computing 113667 Hitachi Biotech 236 Cryptology 61255 Space Colony 152777 Holy Joystick 512 Bank of Berne 5517 Spacedock 162324 Ono-Sendai 473 Marcus Garvey 43267 Bank of Zurich 4102 Compu-judge 533 flatline 056201 AI 34755 Fuji Electric 4327 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Holographix Gemeinschaft/Larry Moe Crazy Edo/PAX Microsofts/Skill Chips Cheap Hotel/Shin's Pawn Julius Deane/GentlemanLoser Donut World/Maas Biolabs Lawbot/Justice Booth database/Cyberdeck Shiva/Comlink Freeside/Icebreaker softwarez/ROM Construct Matrix/Cowboy Matt Shaw/Emperor Norton Night City News/Cyberjack Chatsubo/Ratz And the third one is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 44312 Chiba City 6124 Asano Computing 021655 Hitachi Biotech 045 Cryptology 01326 Space Colony 152336 Holy Joystick 213 Bank Of Berne 0177 Spacedock 063124 Ono-Sendai 424 Marcus Garvey 34770 Bank Of Zurich 7107 Compu-Judge 017 flatline 157223 AI 67237 Fuji Electric 2730 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Larry Moe Gemeinschaft/PAX Crazy Edo/Skill Chips Microsofts/Shin's Pawn Cheap Hotel/GentlemanLoser Julius Deane/MaasBiolabs Donut World/Justice Booth Lawbot/Cyberdeck database/Comlink Shiva/Icebreaker Freeside/ROM Construct softwarez/Cowboy Matrix/Emperor Norton Matt Shaw/Cyberjack Night City News/Ratz Chatsubo/Holographix And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 61456 Chiba City 2174 Asano Computing 115721 Hitachi Biotech 103 Cryptology 61627 Space Colony 013026 Holy Joystick 167 Bank of Berne 3121 Spacedock 131265 Ono-Sendai 024 Marcus Garvey 70012 Bank Of Zurich 5517 Compu-Judge 254 flatline 051435 AI 74655 Fuji Electric 1777 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/PAX Gemeinschaft/Skill Chips Crazy Edo/Shin's Pawn Microsofts/GentlemanLoser CheapHotel/MaasBiolabs JuliusDeane/Justice Booth Donut World/Cyberdeck Lawbot/Comlink database/Icebreaker Shiva/ROM Construct Freeside/Cowboy softwarez/Emperor Norton Matrix/Cyberjack Matt Shaw/Ratz Night City News/Holographix Chatsubo/Larry Moe And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 41317 Chiba City 6162 Asano Computing 011772 Hitachi Biotech 775 Cryptology 71226 Space Colony 036160 Holy Joystick 616 Bank of Berne 6116 Spacedock 060734 Ono-Sendai 714 Marcus Garvey 61543 Bank of Zurich 0177 Compu-judge 700 flatline 004713 AI 50127 Fuji Electric 3347 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Skill Chips Gemeinschaft/Shin's Pawn Crazy Edo/Gentleman Loser Microsofts/Maas Biolabs Cheap Hotel/Justice Booth Julius Deane/Cyberdeck Donut World/Comlink Lawbot/Icebreaker database/ROM construct Shiva/Cowboy Freeside/Emperor Norton softwarez/Cyberjack Matrix/Ratz Matt Shaw/Holographix Night City News/Larry Moe Chatsubo/PAX And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 45771 Chiba City 5150 Asano Computing 117372 Hitachi Biotech 430 Cryptology 42074 Space Colony 067123 Holy Joystick 733 Bank of Berne 5120 Spacedock 113667 Ono-Sendai 236 Marcus Garvey 76631 Bank of Zurich 3121 Compu-judge 512 flatline 040327 AI 36112 Fuji Electric 3601 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Shin's Pawn Gemeinschaft/Gentleman Loser Crazy Edo/Maas Biolabs Microsofts/Justice Booth Cheap Hotel/Cyberdeck Julius Deane/Comlink Donut World/Icebreaker Lawbot/ROM construct database/Cowboy Shiva/Emperor Norton Freeside/Cyberjack softwarez/Ratz Matrix/Holographix Matt Shaw/Larry Moe Night City News/PAX Chatsubo/Skill Chips And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 31270 Chiba City 6040 Asano Computing 121777 Hitachi Biotech 517 Cryptology 22372 Space Colony 132077 Holy Joystick 313 Bank of Berne 0423 Spacedock 021655 Ono-Sendai 045 Marcus Garvey 44321 Bank of Zurich 6116 Compu-judge 213 Flatline 152777 AI 61645 Fuji Electric 1316 ====================================================================== If the first two codes are: Cyberspace/GentlemanLoser Gemeinschaft/Maas Biolabs CrazyEdo/Justice Booth Microsofts/Cyberdeck Cheap Hotel/Comlink Julius Deane/Icebreaker Donut World/ROM construct Lawbot/Cowboy database/Emperor Norton Shiva/Cyberjack Freeside/Ratz softwarez/Holographix Matrix/Larry Moe Matt Shaw/PAX Night City News/Skill Chips Chatsubo/Shin's Pawn And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 51666 Chiba City 0703 Asano Computing 031770 Hitachi Biotech 725 Cryptology 00206 Space Colony 014527 Holy Joystick 054 Bank of Berne 3173 Spacedock 115721 Ono-Sendai 103 Marcus Garvey 71312 Bank of Zurich 5120 Compu-judge 167 Flatline 152336 AI 07362 Fuji Electric 4120 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Maas Biolabs Gemeinschaft/Justice Booth Crazy Edo/Cyberdeck Microsofts/Comlink Cheap Hotel/Icebreaker Julius Deane/ROM construct Donut World/Cowboy Lawbot/Emperor Norton database/Cyberjack Shiva/Ratz Freeside/Holographix softwarez/Larry Moe Matrix/PAX Matt Shaw/Skill Chips Night City News/Shin's Pawn Chatsubo/Gentleman Loser And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 61723 Chiba City 4327 Asano Computing 031776 Hitachi Biotech 507 Cryptology 71724 Space Colony 030654 Holy Joystick 410 Bank of Berne 5423 Spacedock 011772 Ono-Sendai 775 Marcus Garvey 44312 Bank of Zurich 0423 Compu-judge 616 Flatline 013026 AI 61255 Fuji Electric 0072 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Justice Booth Gemeinschaft/Cyberdeck Crazy Edo/Comlink Microsofts/Icebreaker Cheap Hotel/ROM construct Julius Deane/Cowboy Donut World/Emperor Norton Lawbot/Cyberjack database/Ratz Shiva/Holographix Freeside/Larry Moe softwarez/PAX Matrix/Skill Chips Matt Shaw/Shin's Pawn Night City News/Gentleman Loser Chatsubo/Maas Biolabs And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 65110 Chiba City 2730 Asano Computing 067144 Hitachi Biotech 072 Cryptology 23671 Space Colony 126443 Holy Joystick 300 Bank of Berne 1053 Spacedock 117372 Ono-Sendai 430 Marcus Garvey 61456 Bank of Zurich 3173 Compu-judge 733 Flatline 036160 AI 01326 Fuji Electric 4300 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Cyberdeck Gemeinschaft/Comlink Crazy Edo/Icebreaker Microsofts/ROM construct Cheap Hotel/Cowboy Julius Deane/Emperor Norton Donut World/Cyberjack Lawbot/Ratz database/Holographix Shiva/Larry Moe Freeside/PAX softwarez/Skill Chips Matrix/Shin's Pawn Matt Shaw/Gentleman Loser Night City News/Maas Biolabs Chatsubo/Justice Booth And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 21400 Chiba City 1777 Asano Computing 127170 Hitachi Biotech 321 Cryptology 34755 Space Colony 114352 Holy Joystick 434 Bank of Berne 0017 Spacedock 121777 Ono-Sendai 571 Marcus Garvey 41317 Bank of Zurich 5423 Compu-judge 313 Flatline 067123 AI 61627 Fuji Electric 1337 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Comlink Gemeinschaft/Icebreaker Crazy Edo/ROM construct Microsofts/Cowboy Cheap Hotel/Emperor Norton Julius Deane/Cyberjack Donut World/Ratz Lawbot/Holographix database/Larry Moe Shiva/PAX Freeside/Skill Chips softwarez/Shin's Pawn Matrix/Gentleman Loser MattShaw/Maas Biolabs Night City News/Justice Booth Chatsubo/Cyberdeck And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 43267 Chiba City 3347 Asano Computing 061254 Hitachi Biotech 672 Cryptology 67237 Space Colony 054127 Holy Joystick 333 Bank of Berne 5165 Spacedock 031770 Ono-Sendai 725 Marcus Garvey 45771 Bank of Zurich 1053 Compu-judge 054 Flatline 132077 AI 71226 Fuji Electric 6124 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Icebreaker Gemeinschaft/ROM construct Crazy Edo/Cowboy Microsofts/Emperor Norton Cheap Hotel/Cyberjack Julius Deane/Ratz Donut World/Holographix Lawbot/Larry Moe database/PAX Shiva/Skill Chips Freeside/Shin's Pawn softwarez/Gentleman Loser Matrix/Maas Biolabs Matt Shaw/Justice Booth Night City News/Cyberdeck Chatsubo/Comlink And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 34770 Chiba City 3601 Asano Computing 073611 Hitachi Biotech 614 Cryptology 74655 Space Colony 056201 Holy Joystick 673 Bank of Berne 6160 Spacedock 031776 Ono-Sendai 507 Marcus Garvey 31270 Bank of Zurich 0017 Compu-judge 410 Flatline 014527 AI 42074 Fuji Electric 2174 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/ROM construct Gemeinschaft/Cowboy Crazy Edo/Emperor Norton Microsofts/Cyberjack Cheap Hotel/Ratz Julius Deane/Holographix Donut World/Larry Moe Lawbot/PAX database/Skill Chips Shiva/Shin's Pawn Freeside/Gentleman Loser softwarez/Maas Biolabs Matrix/Justice Booth Matt Shaw/Cyberdeck Night City News/Comlink Chatsubo/Icebreaker And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 70012 Chiba City 1316 Asano Computing 162234 Hitachi Biotech 473 Cryptology 50127 Space Colony 157223 Holy Joystick 533 Bank of Berne 5116 Spacedock 067144 Ono-Sendai 072 Marcus Garvey 51666 Bank of Zurich 5165 Compu-judge 300 Flatline 030654 AI 22372 Fuji Electric 6162 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Cowboy Gemeinschaft/Emperor Norton Crazy Edo/Cyberjack Microsofts/Ratz Cheap Hotel/Holographix Julius Deane/Larry Moe Donut World/PAX Lawbot/Skill Chips database/Shin's Pawn Shiva/Gentleman Loser Freeside/Maas Biolabs softwarez/Justice Booth Matrix/Cyberdeck Matt Shaw/Comlink Night City News/Icebreaker Chatsubo/ROM construct And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 61543 Chiba City 4120 Asano Computing 063124 Hitachi Biotech 424 Cryptology 36112 Space Colony 051435 Holy Joystick 017 Bank of Berne 0170 Spacedock 127170 Ono-Sendai 321 Marcus Garvey 61723 Bank of Zurich 6160 Compu-judge 434 Flatline 126443 AI 00206 Fuji Electric 5150 ====================================================================== If the first two access codes are: Cyberspace/Emperor Norton Gemeinschaft/Cyberjack Crazy Edo/Ratz Microsofts/Holographix Cheap Hotel/Larry Moe Julius Deane/PAX Donut World/Skill Chips Lawbot/Shin's Pawn database/Gentleman Loser Shiva/Maas Biolabs Freeside/Justice Booth softwarez/Cyberdeck Matrix/Comlink Matt Shaw/Icebreaker Night City News/ROM construct Chatsubo/Cowboy And the third code is: Then type in: Zion Cluster 76631 Chiba City 0072 Asano Computing 131265 Hitachi Biotech 024 Cryptology 61645 Space Colony 004713 Holy Joystick 254 Bank of Berne 4102 Spacedock 061254 Ono-Sendai 672 Marcus Garvey 65110 Bank of Zurich 5116 Compu-judge 333 Flatline 114352 AI 71724 Fuji Electric 6040 ********* The end of the Project 64 etext of the Neuromancer Verification Codes. *********