CHOMP! (c)1989 Cosmi Object of Game -------------- Object of game is to fight through all tanks and jump out window of pet store into river and next level. Features -------- Keep on swimming or suffocate. Eat food to get bigger or will get smaller and starve. When shark is near, eat waterbug to get big and eat shark. When bottom screen is red eat a fish for bonus. Biting same size fish turns tail white. When small you may want to hide at bottom. Watch out for cat paw, monkey with fish net and various other nasties. Biting a larger fish will make it smaller and easier to eat. Jumping to Freedom ------------------ When bottom flashes you may jump left or right to another tank. You may jump from the fish bowl right away. Jump by pushing joystick up left or up right and gaining speed to an opening at top and hit joystick button. If landing on shelf pull down at nearest opening. Open and close gate at save score to continue. Extra life for every 50,000 points. end